Integration of Schools in Mississippi

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kans

    The Supreme Court toke on this case. They said that it was unequal to have them separated.
  • George Lee

    An NAACP leader is killed
  • Emmett Till

    A 14 year old boy is kidnapped and killed
  • Southern Manifesto

    This was signed by 19 U.S. Senators and 82 members of U.S. House of Representatives. It said that the Supreme Court was taking advantage of their judicial power
  • Clyde Kennard

    An African American tried to enroll at USM. That lead to getting arrested and false charges on him.
  • Tougaloo College

    9 students were arrested for attempting to desegregate the "white only" public library..
  • University of Mississippi

    They let an African American come to school there. A white mob is protesting against the integration.
  • Freedom of Choice

    Mississippi tried to advoid an integration of schools by "Freedom of Choice". Which means the parent can select the school that their children would go to. It would come back on the parent.
  • School desegregation

    The U.S. Supreme Court had let schools degregate. This made the white very angry, causing them some to go to private schools.