Roberts v City of Boston
The Massachusetts Supreme Court rules that the state can segregate schools. The U.S. Supreme Court will use this case in the "separate but equal" doctrine in Plessy v Ferguson. -
Civil War
Secession of the southern states marks the start of the Civil War. Photo credit: history.com -
Plessy v Ferguson
The Supreme Court finds that Homer Plessy -- by Louisiana law, a black man -- could not ride the white train car. This case becomes the basis for Jim Crow and state-sponsored segregation of public schools. Photo credit: www.gilderlehrman.org -
Barbara Johns, a student in Virginia, organizes students in a strike to protest school segregation. Photo credit: billmoyers.com -
Brown v Board overturns Plessy v Ferguson
The Supreme Court in Brown v Board overturns Plessy v Ferguson and declares segregated schools "inherently unequal." Photo credit: britannica.com -
Little Rock Nine
The Little Rock Nine are escorted by the National Guard to integrate Central High School.
Photo credit: time.com -
Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges is escorted by federal marshals to integrate a school in New Orleans. Credit: Norman Rockwell
via biography.com -
James Meredith
Ole Miss is ordered by a federal court to admit James Meredith. A mob riots on campus. Photo credit: wikipedia -
University of Alabama
Vivian Malone and James A. Hood register at the University of Alabama despite Alabama Governor George Wallace standing in the doorway. Photo credit: nbcnews.com -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Title IV of the act authorizes the federal government to file school desegregation cases. Title VI prohibits discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. -
The Supreme Court approves busing as a remedy for residential segregation. Photo credit: http://learninglab.legacy.wbur.org/ -
A study by Harvard's Civil Rights Project finds that schools are resegregating. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/new-national-study-finds-increasing-school-segregation -
Present Day and charter schools
Charter schools are hailed as a solution to education woes in America, but some critics are afraid that they will lead to segregated schools.