Integrating Mississippi Schools

  • Civil Rights act

    Congress passes the Civil Rights Act of 1875, which bans racial discrimination in public accommodations.
  • Strikes down Civil Rights Act

    The Supreme Court strikes down the Civil Rights Act of 1875 finding that discrimination by individuals or private businesses is constitutional.
  • Chinese Students

    The Supreme Court finds that states possess the right to define a Chinese student as non-white for the purpose of segregating public schools. (Gong Lum v. Rice)
  • Desegregation

    In Brown II, the Supreme Court orders the lower federal courts to require desegregation "with all deliberate speed."
  • American Views

    49% of Americans — 61% of Northerners and 15% of Southerners — believe that Whites and Blacks should attend the same schools.
  • University of Mississippi

    A federal appeals court orders the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, an African American student. Upon his arrival, a mob of more than 2,000 white people riots.
  • Elementary Schools

    For the first time, a small number of black students in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Mississippi attend public elementary and secondary schools with white students.
  • More American Views

    62% of Americans — 73% of Northerners and 31% of Southerners — believe Blacks and Whites should attend the same schools.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is adopted. Title IV of the Act authorizes the federal government to file school desegregation cases. Title VI of the Act prohibits discrimination in programs and activities, including schools, receiving federal financial assistance.
  • All Deliberate Speed

    The Supreme Court declares the "all deliberate speed" standard is no longer constitutionally permissible and orders the immediate desegregation of Mississippi schools. (Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education)
  • End Affirmative Action

    A federal appeals court prohibits the use of race in college and university admissions, ending affirmative action in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. (Hopwood v. Texas)