Period: to
Visual Materials
There was an increase in the use of visual materials such as films, pictures, latern slides which were used in public schools. This was also part of the visual instruction movement. (Reiser, 2018, p.2) -
First School Museum
The first school museum was opened in St. Louis. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.9). These school museums “served as the central administrative unit[s] for visual instruction by [their] distribution of portable museum exhibits, stereographs [three-dimensional photographs], slides, films, study prints, charts, and other instructional materials”. (Saettler, 1990, p. 89) -
Instructional Films
"The first catalog of instructional films was published in the United States." (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.9) -
Period: to
Technological Advances
"Technological advances in radio broadcast, sound recordings and sound motion pictures led to an increased interest in instructional media." (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.9) "Even though visual instruction was seeing growth and became known as audiovisual, this did not have a large impact on education, only commercial interest." (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.9) -
Great Depression
Visual Instruction Merge
According to Saettler (1990), one of the most significant events in this evolution was the merging, of the three-existing national professional organizations for visual instruction. The merged organization was called Department of Visual Instruction (DVI), now called Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). -
Division of Visual Aids for War Training
The federal government established the Division of Visual Aids for War Training. Audiovisual equipment was used during war including, training films, film projectors, overhead projectors, slide projectors, audio equipment (different languages) and flight simulators. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.10) -
Period: to
Audiovisual Devices- WWII
"Audiovisual devices were used extensively in military services and industry. The US Army Air Force produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips. During this two year period, it was estimated that 4 million showings of training films and filmstrips to US military personnel." (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.10) -
Period: to
The interest in television increased due to two major factors. The first factor was the decision by the Federal Communications Commission in 1952 to set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes. The other factor was the funding from the Ford Foundation. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.10) -
"The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching"
B. F. Skinner’s article, “The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching,” began what might be called a minor revolution in the field of education. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.13) -
The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first orbiting space satellite, there began a series of events that would eventually have a major impact on the instructional design process. In response to the Soviet’s success, the US poured millions into improving math and science education. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.14) -
Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation started to realize that the growing interest in television was steering away from educational purposes and more towards public television in general. The Ford Foundation started focusing its funds towards the public television in general. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.10) -
1963 Instructional Technology Definition
The first definition was approved by the major professional organization within the field of educational technology was published. This definition tried to convey that the field was not simply about media. (Reiser, 2018, p.2) -
Instructional Improvement Centers
Instructional design models greatly increased. Journal of Instructional Development was published. Instructional improvement centers were created to help faculty use media and instructional design procedures to improve the quality of their instruction. (Gaff, 1975; Gustafson & Bratton, 1984). -
1970 Instructional Technology Definition
This definition was produced by the Commission on Instructional Technology. The focus was the use of both nonhuman and human resources for instructional purposes, and once again attempting to downplay the role of media. (Reiser, 2018, p.3) -
Commission on Instructional Technology
"The commission was established and funded by the United States government in order to examine the potential benefits and problems associated with increased use of instructional technology in schools" (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.2) -
US Military Adopts Instructional Design Model
several branches of the US military adopted an instructional design model (Branson et al., 1975) intended to guide the development of training materials within those branches. -
1977 Instructional Technology Definition
The Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) adopted this new definition of the field. This definition was very long and detailed as it emphasized systematic design process. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.3) -
Interest in Computers
There started to be widespread interest in computers for instructional use. -
Computers were being used in 40% of elementary schools and 75% of secondary schools. (Center for Social Organization of Schools, 1983). By 1995, it was evident that computers had minimal impact on instructional education within school. -
Decline in Instructional Improvement Centers
¼ of the instructional improvement centers for higher education were disbanded.(Gustafson & Bratton, 1984). -
1994 Instructional Technology Definition
This definition does not define the field as process oriented. It also emphasized that the field was also an area of research and study. Focused on the improvement of learning as the goal of the field, with instruction being viewed as a means to that end. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.3) -
Period: to
The increased use of internet as a means of presenting instruction to learners. Instructional designers play a huge role in the creation of online courses and has opened new job opportunities. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.16) -
Online Courses
10% of students enrolled in higher education learning were taking at least one online course. (Allen & Seaman, 2013) -
2008 Instructional Technology Defintion
AECT committee produced a book that presented a new definition of the field of educational technology (AECT Definition and Terminology Committee, 2008). This definition portrayed that the goal is to improve performance and help learners apply their new skills and knowledge. Also, that the interventions created in the field are to facilitate learning. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.4) -
Increase in Online Courses
32% of students enrolled in higher education learning were taking at least one online course. (Allen & Seaman, 2013) -
Reiser's Instructional Technology Definition
This definition highlighted two sets of practices that have formed the core of the field. The first being the use of media for instructional purpose. The other being the use of systematic instructional design procedures. (Reiser, Robert A., 2018, p.5)