
  • Creation

    The app was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Kriegor.
  • 1 Million Users!

    Just 2 months after it's launch, Instagram reached 1 million users!
  • First WorldWide Insta-Meet

    The first world-wide instagram meet up!
  • "iPhone App of the Year!"

    Instagram was announced the iPhone app of the year!
  • Becoming Avaliable

    Today, this app became available to more than just iPhone users! It became available to download on Android, Samsung, and more.
  • Facebook Buys Instagram!

    That's pretty much it.
  • 100 Million Users!

    By around this time, the app had around 100 million active users!
  • Launching Sponsored Photos/Videos

    Today Instagram launched the ability for brands to send in their videos (with cash of course) to be posted all over Instagram.
  • Introducing Instagram Direct!

    Direct Messages to all your friends and more!
  • 400 Million Users!

    By around this time, Instagram had around 400 million active users!