Boudicca is born
Roman Invasion of Britain
Emperor Claudius in in power -
Boudicca marries Prastagus
Nero becomes emperor of Rome
Death of Prastagus
Battle of Watling street
Boudicca consumes poison, and dies
William Wilberforce is born
Wilberforce is elected MP for Hull
Wilberforce is elected MP for Yorkshire
First Speech
Delivers his first speech against the slave trade -
France declares war on Britain
This distracts parliament's attention from the slave trade bill -
narrow defeat of the anti-slave trade bill.
Marries Barbara Spooner
Passage of the anti-slave trade bill
Florence Nightingale is born
Florence Nightingale is born in in Florence, Italy -
Slavery is abolished
Slavery is abolished across the British empire -
He dies
Florence wants to b an nurse
she announces that she wants to train to be a nurse -
Studies nursing
Crimean war
Left for the main British camp in the Crimea, along with 38 volunteer nurses trained by Florence -
Falls ill with Crimean Fever
Returns to England
Opened the Nightingale training school
Churchill is born in Oxfordshire
Awarded the British Red Cross
Graduates from the Military college at Sandhurst
Churchill's father dies
Churchill wins a seat in the British House of Commons
Schindler is born.
Schindler marries
Schindler applies for membership in Nazi party
Schindler renames the factory Deutsche Emaillewaren-Fabrik (German Enamelware Factory), also known as DEF
Churchill begins first term as prime minister.
Schindler compiles his famous list.
Churchill loses the United Kingdom general election.
Schindler tried for war crimes
Churchill is elected prime minster again.
Churchill wins the Nobel Prize for literature.
Winston Churchill dies.
Schindler dies