Timeline - Religioun

  • Spanish Arrive at Australia

    Spanish naval captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros calls Vanuatu “La Australia del Spiritu Santo” – Southland of the Holy Spirit
  • First Mass

    After the Arrival of the First fleet at Sydney Cove, the first Mass was possibly conducted by Fr. Receveur
  • Christmas

    This is the 1st time Christmas was celebrated.
  • First Public Mass

    First Public Mass
    First public Mass said by Fr. Dixon
  • First Priests Arive

    Frs. Therry and Conolly, the first official priests arrive
  • Construction of Church

    Construction of Church
    Construction of first Catholic church at Richmond, Tasmania
  • First Archbishop

    First Archbishop
    James Alepius Goold becomes first Catholic bishop of Melbourne
  • Church is divided

    The Catholic Church in Australia is divided into provinces and dioceses.
    It is currently compromised of The Catholic Church in Australia is comprised of seven geographical Archdioceses and geographical 21 Dioceses.
  • Cathedral is completed

    Cathedral is completed
    St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne completed.
  • First Cardinal

    First Cardinal
    Archbishop Gilroy becomes first Australian Cardinal
  • Eucharistic Congress

    Eucharistic Congress
    International Eucharistic Congress Melbourne
  • St. Marys Cathedral

    St. Marys Cathedral
    St Mary’s Cathedral Sydney completed