Innovators/Inventors Timeline

  • Invention of the Flying Shuttle

    Invention of the Flying Shuttle
    the flying shuttle was created by John Kay. It was a small device used to make cloth quicker. Instead of doing the whole process by Hand, you could use this to shoot thread across each other and make cloth quicker.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny was made by James Hargreaves. It allowed for 8 threads of cotton to be spun at once by just spinning a wheel, instead of just one by hand. This number later increased to 80 as technology advanced.
  • Invention of the Water Frame

    Invention of the Water Frame
    This machine was invented by Richard Arkwright. It was a cotton spinning machine that could spin nearly 100 strands of cotton with very little manual labour. It used a water wheel (powered by moving water) to spin it.
  • Invention of the Spinning Mule

    Invention of the Spinning Mule
    the spinning mule was made by Samuel Compton This Innovation was made by the example of the spinning jenny and the water frame. It used these ideas and made them better. This innovation changed the industry from making only a hundred or so strands to thousands.
  • Invention of the Steam Engine

    Invention of the Steam Engine
    The steam engine was invented by James Watt. It used steam from burned coal to produce usable energy.
  • Invention of the steam boat

    Invention of the steam boat
    Robert Fulton helped invent the Steam Boat. It used James Watt's steam engine to move propellers in the water to move a boat forward. This made it to where boats wouldn't require manual labour or wind to move forward
  • Invention of the Puffing devil

    Invention of the Puffing devil
    Richard Trevithick created the Puffing Devil. Although it came before the Steam Locomotive, this engine used a very small, but dangerous steam engine. It was basically the first "car" because it could go across terrain without rails.
  • Invention of the Steam Locomotive

    Invention of the Steam Locomotive
    the steam locomotive was invented by George Stephenson. It used James Watt's steam engine to move a system of cars on tracks from one place to another.
  • Innovation of Cost Efficient Steele

    Innovation of Cost Efficient Steele
    Henry Bessemer made steel more cost efficient. Before, steel took a lot of work and costed a lot of money.
  • discovery of Pasteurization

    discovery of Pasteurization
    Louis Pasteur was a chemist who discover Pasteurization. IT is the process of heating and cooling food or water to kill the bacteria and other contaminates inside.
  • Invention of the Electric Light

    Invention of the Electric Light
    Thomas Edison is given credit for making the Electric Light a reality. Before, Kerosene lamps and candles were used to light homes at night, if there was any light. After the invention of the light, it made light a lot more accessible. The electric light also gave off more light to the surrounding area than kerosene or candles.
  • Innovation of Electricity

    Innovation of Electricity
    Nikola Tesla is credited with making electricity better with the creation of the Alternating Current (AC), whose predecessor was Edison's Direct Current (DC)