First Phone Made
The first phone was called a box telephone and was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. It was mainly made of a iron diaphragm, two electromagnets, and a horseshoe permanent magnet. It was made to communicate from one to another from far distances instantly. Although it was invented for the people only the government and the scientist used it until 1877. -
Telephones to the Public
In 1877 Thomas Doolittle helped make the telephone accessable to the public by connecting them with hard drawn copper wire. This changed the way cities looked with all the telephone wires conecting to posts and going in many different directions. this effected society positively because now they could communicate long distances instantly. -
First Car Phone
The first mobile phone was the car phone, the innovoters were Alton Dickieson and D. Mitchell. It was the first wireless phone. It origanally weighed 80 lbs. and it effected the society by letting people call on the move. -
The Brick Phone
Invented by Martin Cooper this phone was the size and weight of a standard clay-brick. This phone would allow you to talk for half an hour without recharge. With this invention getting bigger you could go more places within range of the services. This was a huge step in phone history because now you can call from almost anywhere. -
Smart Phones
With these light weight phones you can go anywhere and make a call without trouble. The first company to release these smartphones was IBM Simon. You couldn't just call on this phone there were many different applications you could get on these like calculator. This has gotten even bigger in today's society.