First Ever Telephone
The first words ever spoken through a telephone were "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you." -
Model 202 (D1)
Created during World War II when telephones were still rare -
Motorola Dynatac 8000x
The "Model T" of mobile phones. First portable phone. -
Motorola Startac
First portable cell phone that was able to be pocketed and carries with ease. -
Toshiba TCP-6000
First phone with an internal antenna. -
Nokia 8810
More durable and portable cell phone with an internal antenna -
Sony Ericsson T68i
The T68i had Bluetooth wireless, and two way mms-ing. -
Motorola Razr
First "must have" mobile. Moved more than a 100 million units. -
RIM BlackBerry 7290
Had a full keyboard with Bluetooth and email. -
Apple iPhone 3G
The Apple iPhone added GPS and 3G speed to an already-winning formula. But the important part was the iTunes App Store. -
Apple iPhone 7
The most recent and popular smartphone. Coming in over five colors. The iPhone seven has many features including adding a 32gb and 256gb storage plan. It's fully a touch screen, and unlocked by a thumbprint. + More.