Injustices of the Past

By nladner
  • Hudson's Bay Company Founded

  • Smallpox Hits Canada

    Smallpox, thought to have been brought by the Hudson's Bay blankets, devastates the Indigenous population.
  • John A. Macdonald Becomes First Prime Minister

  • John A. Macdonald Authorizes Residential Schools

  • Head Tax Introduced

    Chinese immigrants had to pay an entry fee of $50 to enter Canada. In 1903, the tax was raised to $500
  • Chinese Restriction Act Passed

  • Komagata Maru Arrives in Vancouver

    In 1914, the Komagata Maru arrives in Vancouver. Exactly two months later, it's escorted out of Canadian waters by the Navy.
  • Residential Schools Become Mandatory

  • Japanese-Canadians Interned

    In 1942, over 20'000 Japanese Canadians in British Columbia were taken away from their homes and sent to intern camps
  • Pearl Harbor attack

  • Period: to

    Properties Sold

    In the span of 3 years, the federal government sold all Japanese Canadian's property. This property was never returned to them.
  • Japanese Canadians Released

    In 1949, the Japanese Canadians were finally released, although they never got their property back.
  • Multiculturalism Policy Introduced

  • Joy Kagawa's Obasan is Published

  • Japanese Canadian Apology

    On September 22nd, Brian Mulroney - who was prime minister at the time - acknowledges the wrongdoings of the past and how Japanese Canadians were treated. The government offers compensation for individuals who had been stuck in intern camps
  • Last Residential School Closes

  • Chinese Head Tax Apology

    On June 22nd, the prime minister at the time, Stephen Harper, formally apologizes for the Chinese Head Tax
  • Residential School Apology

    Stephen Harper, prime minister at the time, apologizes for the horrible treatment residential school students had to live through.
  • Komagata Maru Apology

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau formally apologizes for the actions of the past and turning away the Komagata Maru.