
Inigo Lopez de Loyola's Life

  • Dec 24, 1491

    Saint Ignatius is Born

    Saint Ignatius is Born
    Saint Ignatius Loyola is born Inigo Lopez de Loyola on December 24th, 1491. He is born into the Basque region of Spain into the arms of his parents.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1491 to Jul 31, 1556

    Inigo Lopez de Loyola's Life

  • Period: Dec 24, 1491 to Jul 31, 1556

    Around the World

  • Aug 3, 1492

    1492: Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue

    1492: Columbus Sails the Ocean Blue
    Coumbus searches for a new route that will lead him to the Indies. He does this by going West.
  • Sep 21, 1498

    Inigo Loses His Mother

    Inigo Loses His Mother
    Ignatius lost his mother to unknown causes at the tender age of seven.
  • Aug 20, 1508

    Michaelangelo Starts the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Michaelangelo Starts the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
  • Apr 20, 1517

    Cortes Completes the Conquest of Mexico

    Cortes Completes the Conquest of Mexico
    Cotes is the main figure for Spain in conquering the Southern Americas.
  • May 20, 1521

    Ignatius is Hit by the Cannonball

    Ignatius is Hit by the Cannonball
    Ignatius is hit by a cannonball while defending the city of Pamplona, Spain from the French. This cannonball will soon change his life forever.
  • Sep 27, 1524

    The Spiritual Exercises are Born

    The Spiritual Exercises are Born
    Ignatius creates the Spiritual Exercises in a cave outside the city of Manresa, Spain. These are the basis of the Jesuits themselves.
  • Jun 17, 1534

    Ignatius Graduates

    Ignatius Graduates
    St. Ignatius graduates with a Master's Degree from the University of Paris.
  • Mar 9, 1543

    Copernicus Claims that the Earth Revolves Around the Sun

    Copernicus Claims that the Earth Revolves Around the Sun
    Copernicus is thought to be a crazy man when he claims that the Earth revolves around the sun. Today, with the help of modern technology, we know this to be true.
  • Mar 26, 1552

    Guru Amar Das Becomes the Third Sikh Guru

    Guru Amar Das Becomes the Third Sikh Guru
    Amar Das is the most influential Guru in Hinduism.
  • Jul 31, 1556

    Ignatius Dies

    Ignatius Dies
    Saint Ignatius dies while surrounded by loved ones and waited for by God.