influences on the constitution

  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to


  • Jun 15, 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    document signed by king james by the noles.
    i granted the nobles more privledges and had certin rghts for landowners.
  • the Mayflower cmpact

    the Mayflower cmpact
    on the mayflower the guys on the ship decided they needed rules to govern themsleves. so they made a document with a wriiten plan for a government. itwas signed by 41 men.
  • the fundamental orders of connecticut

    the fundamental orders of connecticut
    this was America's first constitution. it statte that it would have an assembly of elected representatives and would have elcetions of a govener and judge
  • the glorius revolution

    the glorius revolution
    it is when the parliament removed king Jmaes II and replaced him with his daughter and her husband in a peaceful manner.this event showed that no one was more powerful than the parliment
  • the engish bill of rights

    the engish bill of rights
    it was to held free elections. it restricted the power of the monarchs even more. it gave the right for a free trial to people and it eliminated cruel and unusual punishments.
  • John Locke and natural rights

    an english writer that argued that people were born free
  • baron de montsquieu

    a french writer that came up with the separation of powers that was that no branch of the government would not get more power than the others.