Julius Caesar 44 BC
Most Infamous Assasination in History
Roman military leader was assasinated by Gaius Cassius and Marcus Brutus to over throw Julius Caesar, and this later let to a civil war in rome. -
Phillip 11 of Macedon killed
Most infamous assassinations in history
The father of Alexander the Great was assasinated by one of his body gaurd, Pausanias. Pausanias was raped by the king's father-in-law and never recieved justice. Many believe his action was to get revenge for injust. it is also thought Alexander participated in the assasination. After his father's death, Alexander took over the throne. -
May 15, 1571
Elizabeth Báthory
The Legend of Elizabeth Bathory by
Known as the Queen of Vampires, Elizabeth Báthory killed and tortured more than 620 peasents and servants. Bathory enjoyed the pain of her victims, also said she bathed in the blood of young girls. -
King Henry iv Assasinated
King Henry IV from France had been warned he would face danger on May 14th, yet his pride did not let him listen. On May 14th, a man jumped to his carriage where King Henry rode to see his friend the minister, and stabbed him twice in the breast. The assasin said he had been persuaded, but it was never known who had "persuaded" him to kill. -
Doña Catalina Dies
[Top 10 pyscho female killers](http:// http://thelistcafe.com/top-10-psycho-female-killers)
A famous female assasin known as the Quintrala (spanish for mistletoe) was known for poisoning her father, and accused for 15 murders. She was rich and lived in Santiago, Chile. After her death, her last petition was for 20,000 people to attend mass annually. -
Birth date of Daria Nikolaevna Saltykova
Russian murderer Daria was known for torturing and killing more than 100 of her serfs who were mainly women and young girls. She was able to get away from her murders. -
Assasination of Abraham Lincoln
On April 15, 1865, John WIlkes Booth shot and killed President Abraham Lincoln while watching a play at the Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. only a few days after the American Civil War had ended -
Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The assasination of Franz Ferdinand was the door to WWI. It a petition to stop terrorism and then the great war began. -
Arrest of Mexican Serial Killers
Delfina and Maria de Jesus Gonzalez were both arrested in the 60's and incarcerated for 40 years. They both killed more than 90+ victims, and kidnappped young girls to prostitute them. Among the 90+ victims, babies were also included. -
Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr.
Famous african-american activist and leader of the Civil Rights Movement was shot outside of his room in the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee.