Industry v. Agriculture Key Events

  • Thomas Edison Uses Light Bulb to Light Lamp

    Thomas Edison Uses Light Bulb to Light Lamp
    Not the first man to create a light bulb, Thomas Edison created a light bulb that lasted longer than other designs and showed it off by lighting a lamp. Edison's light bulbs allow people to do many things at night, such as work, that used to only happen during the day.
  • Clemson Agricultural College

    Clemson Agricultural College
    Clemson was one of many land grant colleges established in several other states during this time period. When the school opened it was an all white male school with an enrollment of 446 students.
  • Hurricane of 1893

    Hurricane of 1893
    The Hurricane of 1893 causes the Phosphate business in South Carolina to go out of business. This was not the only cause though, as South Carolina had to compete with Florida for profit.
  • General Assembly Passes State's First Child Labor Law

    General Assembly Passes State's First Child Labor Law
    This law stated that children under 14 could not work in jobs that were not agriculture. The textile mill industry took a huge hit because they used children frequently in their mills to repair machines.