industrial revoulution inventions

  • the spining jenny is created

    the spining jenny is created
    the spining jenny was a multi spindle spining frame that was used to spin wool and cotton
  • watt steam engine invented

    watt steam engine invented
    it was the first trully efficent steam engine ever made
  • power loom invented

    power loom invented
    it was created to automate the process of weaving but was not fully automatic
  • steamboat invented

    steamboat invented
    it was a boat that was desighned to ride down rivers
  • sewing machine invented

    sewing machine invented
    this machine sewed clothing together and the first commision one was in 1790 but the first practical and wildely used one was made 1829
  • cotton gin invented

    cotton gin invented
    this device made it easier and quiker to sperate seeds from cotton
  • locomotives invented

    locomotives invented
    it was the beging of creating a new mode of transportantion of people and goods still in the early stages but the best of the time
  • camera invented

    camera invented
    it was the first thing reconized to be a camera and had the same function as a normal camera
  • the first wildley used and practical sewing machie

    the first wildley used and practical sewing machie
    this is just what the title says it is
  • the first fully automatic power loom

    the first fully automatic power loom
    it was an altered enhanced and more devoloped version of the power loom that was fully automatic
  • telegraph invented

    telegraph invented
    the telegraph was a long rage communication device that sped up communication incredibly
  • telephone invented

    telephone invented
    the first basic telephone was invented and was a more advance form of long range communication from the telegraph
  • dynamite invented

    dynamite invented
    is a device made to be able to explode and generate explosions
  • automobile invented

    automobile invented
    a newer mode of transport