industrial revoultion

  • steam engine

    steam engine
    the steam engine was inventented by Thomas Savery,Thomas Newcomen,James Watt Thomas Newcomen's engine pumped steam into a cylinder. The steam was then condensed by cold water which created a vacuum on the inside of the cylinder.
  • the first parachute

    the first parachute
    Louis-Sébastien was the one who invented the first parachute and its purpose was for people that lived in Italy to help people escape from burning buildings.
  • guillotine

    louis Antoine was the one who invented the guillotine and it was used to chop peoples heads off
  • dishwasher

    the dishwasher was invented by Joe Hoghton. It was a hand powered device that worked by the operation of a crank on one side of a barrel; the crank, when operated, would spray water across dishes
  • the heliograph(first camera)

    the heliograph(first camera)
    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
  • the first computer

    the first computer
    The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage
    Its original aims were to reduce astronomical calculations to a more standard form, and to circulate data
  • the first mobile phone

    the first mobile phone
    Antonio Meucci was the one who invented the mobile phone everyone knows what a phone is
  • Maxim Machine Gun

    Maxim Machine Gun
    Designed by Hiram Maxim.Transformed warfare by
    increasing firepower and
    changing tactics on the
    battlefield, shaping modern
    warfare strategies.
  • the first car

    the first car
    karl benz invented the first car so people could get around more easily and faster traveling
  • the first army tank

    the first army tank
    it was a weapon designed for one simple mission crossing the killing zone between trench lines and breaking into enemy zones who invented it? Winston Churchill