Industrial Revolution Timeline-- Alegria Iturralde & Isabella Channer

By itucha
  • Smelting of Iron

    Abraham Darby, an ironworker, discovered how to smelt iron in Coalbrookdale, England.
  • First bridge made of cast iron

    Took place in Ironbrigde, England; It showed the resources, technology, and skills of the time.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe

    The innovations from the Industrial Revolution spread to mainland Europe. These countries had to be close to their source of coal and closeness to a port.
  • Period: to

    Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to East Asia

    Japan was one of the leading industrial countries in the world at the time and they colonized Korea, Taiwan and China to expand the automobile and chemical industries.
  • First crossing of the Atlantic by a steam-powered vessel

    It gave Britain the power to have a near-monopoly of the production of several products and could have more access to their colonies.
  • Connection of Manchester to the rail network

    Manchester, which was the center of textiles, was connected to the port of Liverpool by a railroad.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to North America

    The U.S. was a rival to England since they had raw materials from overseas and some of the world’s largest coal reserves, meaning that they would never run out of it.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to Russia/Ukraine

    The Soviet Union industrialized the Moscow Region because of the amount of resources there were to attract industries.
  • Period: to

    Emergence of Fordist production

    It was a period of mass production and mass consumption. Henry Ford's mass-production assembly line that made inexpensive production of consumer goods in a single place possible.