Industrial revolution timeline

  • The steam engine is created.

    The steam engine is created.
    Machine used to pump steam
  • The spinning mule

    The spinning mule
    Machine used to spin cotton along with other fibers.
  • Mechanical reaper

    Mechanical reaper
    Used to make harvesting a whole lot easier
  • First sewing machine

    First sewing machine
    Used to make the manufacturing of clothing less expensive
  • Period: to

    Transcontinental Railroad

    In 1862, the United States begins construction of a transcontinental railroad to connect the East Coast to the West Coast. The work goes on both sides of the country and met in 1869 at Promontory, Utah.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell officially patents his new telephone invention and has phone lines put in all across the U.S.A
  • Edison bulb

    Edison bulb
    Thomas Edison comes out with his new invention, being an incandescent light bulb
  • The Wright Brothers airplane

    The Wright Brothers airplane
    Orville Wright pioneered the first successful manned flight in history