Richard Arkwright
one of the things he was most famous for was the devised a simple but remarkable spinning machine. this machine makes it possible for you not to use your hands and the machine does it for you. -
James Watt
one of the things he is most famous for is the steam engine. he invented different types of steam engines which was the start the the revolution. -
Spinning jenny
The spinning jenny allowed more threads and yarns to be produced by fewer spinners and it made all the time of spinning faster so it would not take as long -
Thomas Malthus
what he was most famous for was his theory that population growth will always tend to outrun the food supply and that betterment of humankind is impossible without strict limits on reproduction. -
George Stephenson
the one thing that he developed the rocket an early locomotive he build it with his son and pioneered rail transport and the development of the first passenger railways. -
Marx and Engels developed a body of ideas which they called scientific socialism more commonly called Marxism. -
Cotton Gin
it is a machine that separates cotton seeds from all of the cotton fiber so they are able to make clothes so if you don't separates the cotton fiber from it wont be the same -
Karl Marx
the thing that he is most famous for is his theories about capitalism, socialism, communism -
Most modern forms of communism are grounded at least nominally a theory and method conceived by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels during -
Germ Theory
Louis Pasteur was the one who created this and This theory states that microorganisms can invade living hosts and cause a disease. In Europe the miasma theory was replaced by the germ theory of disease during the late 1800s -
Social Democracy
The concept of social democracy goes back to the French Revolution and the bourgeois democratic Revolutions of 1848 -
Social Gospel
Charles Monroe Sheldon and in his steps What Would Jesus Do he said that in 1896 and Walter Rauschenbusch Christianity and the Social Crisis 1907. -
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer was the won who made it a British philosopher who applied the principles of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to human society arguing that the survival of the fittest applies to social classes and groups -
The modern automobile is a complex technical system employing subsystems with specific design functions -
Assembly line
an assembly line is a production process that breaks the manufacture of a good into steps that are completed in a pre-defined sequence