Industrial Revolution Timeline

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    Coal Production Expands Rapidly

    Coal was a major resource back then as it was much faster than electricity was. It was also very a necessary for the production of steel and iron. These materials were used to create the steam engines, which were a big part to why the industrial revolution was even a thing. Coal was the main resource, and without it, the revolution would have most likely been much slower than it was.
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    Tasks Where Done In Individuals Rural Homes

    Cotton was a very good money maker during the Industrial Revolution. Due to its diversity and uses, it made for a very good material, which could be made at home. This was a very big affect on the Revolution, because it forced people to find better ways to get the cotton separate from the seeds. This allowed for more machines to be made to fasten the way this was done, which further brought the Industrialization.
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    New Labor System was Created

    The labor system was very different before the industrial revolution. It was not requiring of long hours and repetitive tasks. Once machines were introduced into the equation, tasks were to keep the machines running, which was very repetitive. This changed society because it made people have to work much longer hour than they were used to. But because of that reason many people were getting paid much higher wages than they were getting before the industrial revolution.
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    Great Britain Leading The World

    Great Britain was a leader in the early stages of the industrial revolution. The reason was that they had a lot of money and natural resources, such as coal. This made it easier for them to get their factories powered, making their product production much faster. With them leading, it made it easier for others to trail off and explore the world of industrialization. They made a big impact on the revolution, because they set an example for what could and could not be achieved at the time.
  • Benefit From Industries

    Benefit From Industries
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    New Classes and Conditions for Socialism

    New classes were created due to the beginning of the industrial revolution. Not only were new classes created, but the old ones were pushed further into their way. The poor got poorer, while the rich got even wealthier. This effected the industrial revolution because it caused the wealthy to want to find more ways to become richer, while the poor had to work harder and harder on the machines. It was a very dangerous job to work the machines, but the owners would do anything to push a profit
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    Economic Systems were Made to Benefit From Industries

    A new system had risen, being able to benefit from the revolution. As machines were being made, and more money was being pushed, the economic systems were gravitating towards the factories. This helped with the Industrial Revolution because it allowed it to bloom much more. The system was built around the Revolution blooming, which meant it was perfect for it.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
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    Assembly Line Led to Mass Production

    The assembly line was a very profitable way to save time in factories. It made it so that factories could have their work done faster. This was a very good thing for the industrialization because it allowed for the machines to worked much more efficiently, therefore making more money in a smaller period. This also brought down costs, because they didn't burn as much coal while doing things faster,
  • Railroad Success

    Railroad Success
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    Success Guaranteed by the Railroad

    The railroad was a very economically advancing thing at the time of the Revolution. So much was being made, with so little to transport it. This is where the railroad was best. It was able to transport so many items at a pace not seen at the time. This made the revolution spread even faster, allowing it to get to different parts at a rate unimaginable.
  • Communism

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    The Introduction to Communism

    Communism wasn't always as corrupt as people say. Back then, Karl Marx had an idea to make everything equal, and at first sight it wasn't a bad idea. With all good things, comes corruptness, which is what happened during the industrial revolution. It affected the industrial revolution because farmers had to give up their lands to be owned by the government. This meant they were forced to work for the government so that everything could essentially be equal. This lead to corruptness though.
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    Europe Dominated the World Economy

    During the 1880's, Europe begin to take over the worlds economy, growing at a rapid pace. Reasons being they were introduced to industries and iron, which they used very efficiently. This affected the world because it caused many advances in society. It allowed for Europe to make more money, and therefor be able to find better and faster ways of doing industries.