Industrial Revolution Timeline

By Trey27
  • Spinning machine was invented by Samuel Slater

    Spinning machine was invented by Samuel Slater
  • Oliver Evans invented the steam engine

    Oliver Evans invented the steam engine
  • John Fitch invented the steam boat

    John Fitch invented the steam boat
  • Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney

    Cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney
  • Erastus Bigelow invents the power loom

    Erastus Bigelow invents the power loom
  • John Deere invents the plows

    John Deere invents the plows
  • Safety pin was invented by Walter Hunt

    Safety pin was invented by Walter Hunt
  • Game board was invented by Milton Bradley

    Game board was invented by Milton Bradley
  • Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel

    Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel
  • Cable car was invented by Andrew Hallidie

    Cable car was invented by Andrew Hallidie
  • Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire

    Joseph Glidden invents barbed wire
  • Lester Pelton invented the water wheel

    Lester Pelton invented the water wheel