Steam Engine
A boiler full of water that the fire heats up to make steam. A cylinder and piston, rather like a bicycle pump but much bigger. Steam from the boiler is piped into the cylinder, causing the piston to move first one way then the other. To create energy. -
Spinning Jenny
Spins Cloth -
Cotton Gin
Quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds -
Transmits electrical signals over a wire laid between stations. -
Sewing Machine
Used to stitch fabric and other materials together with thread. -
Helps develop immunity by imitating an infection, but this "imitation" infection does not cause illness. It causes the immune system to develop the same response as it does to a real infection so the body can recognize and fight the vaccine-preventable disease in the future. -
When a person speaks into a telephone, the sound waves created by his voice enter the mouthpiece. An electric current carries the sound to the telephone of the person he is talking to. -
Light Bulb
The incandescent light bulb turns electricity into light by sending the electric current through a thin wire called a filament. Filament is made up mostly of tungsten, a type of metal. The resistance of the filament heats the bulb up. Eventually the filament gets so hot that it glows, producing light. -
Takes people from one place to another from long distances and overseas. -
Ford Model T
Made cars more affordable.