Jethro Tull
he invented the seed drill. The drill incorporated a rotating cylinder in which grooves were cut to allow seeds to pass from hopper above to a funnel below -
Abraham Darby
He founded the Bristol Iron Company. That melts iron to make supplies for the people. -
Thomas Newcomen
He invented a new engine that the intensity of pressure was not limited by the pressure of the steam -
James Hargreaves
He invented the spinning jenny that could spin multiple thins at a time -
James Watt
He invented the Newcomen steam engine that didn't waste as much steam. -
Richard Arkwright
He invented the water frame that produced a cotton yarn suitable for warp. -
Henry Cort
He invented the "puddler" that extracts a mass of iron from the furnace using a rabbling bar. Worked with Fontley Mill -
Robert Owen
he invented the cotton mills. The cotton mills made cotton to make clothing and other thing for the people. -
Robert Fulton
He invented the steamboat. The steamboat carried people between New York City and Albany New York -
Alessandro Volta
He invented the first electric battery. It makes things have power and things move. -
Elias Howe
He invented the Sewing Machine. To make clothing and put clothing together for the people to wear.