Industrial Revolution Inventions Timeline

By zbear
  • the watt steam engine

    the watt steam engine
    by thomas savery in 1698 in1712 thomas newcomen perfected his more powerful. it pumped water out of mines and operated by using steam to create a partial vacuum in a cylinder, causing atmospheric pressure to push a piston downward
  • steam engine

    steam engine
    -Invented by Thomas Savery
    -it was first used in mines to bring the water out of the mines up to the surface
    -it used steam to build pressure to make the water move
  • flying shuttle

    flying shuttle
    john kay insert the weft between the threads on the loom helped to enable the production of wider texhles
  • spinning jenny

    spinning jenny
    James Wargreaveswas the one who invented the spinning jenny. Used to spin yarn and thread so it can be transported easily. This helped produce clothing faster.
  • pumped water

    pumped water
    spin large amunts of cotton yarn and relied on a steady aupply of roe cotton whick helped speed production of cloth materials
  • power loom

    power loom
    Edmund Cartwright by the year 1850 there was a total of around 260,000 power loom it sped up the process of weaving cloth immensely allowing for much more cloth to be produced and at a much faster rate
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    inventor Eli Whitney it is used combination of a wire screen and small wire hooks to pull the cotton through while brushes continuously removed the loose cotton lint to prevent jams. It was used dramatically reduced the amount of time it took to separate cotton seeds from cotton fiber.
  • steam locomotive

    steam locomotive
    -invented by Richard Trevithick
    -locomotive, any of various self-propelled vehicles used for hauling railroad cars on tracks
    -creation of semi-automated factories
  • gas street lighting

    gas street lighting
    Fredercik Albert Winsor it help to light the steet at night
  • first photograph

    first photograph
    Photography was invented by Frenchman Nicephore Niepce in 1822 Niepce it was important bc it help the city grow. It works by exposing a polished pewter plate coated with bitumen of Judea to light
  • electroagnet

    William Sturgeon invented it. It looked like a horseshoe within a coil of wire that carried electricity. It was used to pick up objects and put it in motors to make it more versatile power source.
  • electrical telegraph

    electrical telegraph
    Samuel Morse it sends information by making and breaking an electrical connection facilitated the growth in the railroads, consolidated financial and commodity markets, and reduced information costs within and between firms
  • the steam hammer

    the steam hammer
    the scotsman james nasmyth metal capble of forging or bending large pieces of accuracy of the hammer meant metal could be bent in exactly the same way essentialfor components of large machines like giant steam engines trains
  • converter

    Henry Bessemer made steel production much cheaper and more reliable. make 30 tons of steel in 20 to 30 minutes removing carbon and other impurities by forcing air under high pressure through the molten metal
  • electricity

    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and other applications for electricity. This helped to see better while working and longer hours.