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Industrial Revolution Inventions

  • Flying Shuttle was Invented

    Flying Shuttle was Invented
    John Kay invented the flying shuttle in May of 1733. It allowed a single weaver to weave wider fabrics at a faster rate.
  • Spinning Jenny was Invented

    Spinning Jenny was Invented
    James Hagreaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764. Advantages of this were that there were lower production costs, and it eliminated having to rewind the string multiple times. However, the strength of the yarn was low, and you needed a higher number of fibers in cross section.
  • Water Frame was Invented

    Water Frame was Invented
    Richard Arkwright invented the water frame in 1769. Using this, we could keep up with the faster demand.
  • Spinning Mule was Invented

    Spinning Mule was Invented
    Samuel Compton invented the spinning mule in 1779. Now, it was made possible to work one-thousand spindles at a time. It was much more efficient. This left an impact on our society today in factory machinery.
  • Steam Engine was Invented.

    Steam Engine was Invented.
    James Watt invented the steam engine in 1781. Some negatives are the engine is huge and heavy, and is unsafe to use. But the engine could be located anywhere, which is an improvement.
  • Steam Locomotive was Invented

    Steam Locomotive was Invented
    George Stephenson invented the steam locomotive in 1804. Some advantages include being more powerful, and can be used at all times. We still use these today, just a more modified, better version.
  • Steamboat was Invented

    Steamboat was Invented
    Robert Fulton invented the steamboat in 1807. Using this, people could now travel up and down stream. However, most boats back then were made out of wood, and could sink easier, faster.
  • Pasteurization was discovered

    Pasteurization was discovered
    Louis Pasteur found the idea that food spoils, which led to pasteurization. This way, we could keep food longer, and have a better way to store it, wasting less.
  • Steel Making Process was Invented

    Steel Making Process was Invented
    Henry Bessemer invented the steel making process in 1856. This provided an easier and faster way of making steel, which meant making money.
  • Electric Lightbulb was Invented

    Electric Lightbulb was Invented
    Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb in 1879. This minimizes the risk of a fire, and we could now use power on a larger scale.
  • Alternating Current System was invented.

    Alternating Current System was invented.
    Just one of many Nikola Tesla inventions is AC (alternating current electricity system). An advantage of this is that now energy could travel in both directions, rather than just one.