Industrial Revolution - Final Task

  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

    The industrial Revolution append in England and have changed the face of the world, it turned Britain into a more advanced nations, with many factories. But the industrial revolution isn't just a single revolution, it a series of them!
  • The Charcoal Furnace

    The Charcoal Furnace
    The charcoal furnace was invented by Abraham Darby in 1709 and was used to smelt iron. It was really usefull as it upgraded metallurgy to the next level, this revolution really improved the modernization and the industrialization of the country. It was also called the "Blast Furnace".
  • The Steam Engine

    The Steam Engine
    The Steam engine was created by Thomas newcomen, with invention was helpful but big and bulky. It was mainly used with a pump to clear mines and extract the water that was filling them.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    The spinning jenny (=engine), invented by James Hargreaves in 1764, it utility was producing multiple spools of threads at the same time to optimize the production of this threads and time. It also replaced slowly the homemade cloth.
  • James Watt's Steam Engine

    James Watt's Steam Engine
    In 1776, James Watt improved Thomas newcomen's steam engine and make it smaller and easier to transport, this improvement granted this machine to by used in more various cases, for exemple, to power others machines and later to make locomotives.
  • The Power loom

    The Power loom
    The power loom, invented in 1786 by Edmund Cartwright is a machine that aloweed people to make large amount of cloth, these cloth was mainly made with cotton or wool. This machine was also capable of making differents patterns on the cloth.
  • Bessemer Process

    Bessemer Process
    The bessemer process is a mass steel production process created by Henry Bessemer in 1855, this invention append later in the industrial revolution but isn't less important because it aloweed to make steel, a main material for manufactories and making machines etc. Even today, steel is still used in various things.