1760: Manchenster had a population of 45,000.
1779:Ludd, an english laborer, destroys weaving machinery.
1800: Beginnings of Industrialization.
1800: People start to migrate to the cities.
1800-1850: Habitants increase in 100,000.
1800: London became an important city, giving more jobs to a lot of people.
1800: Lates 1800, rich entrepreneurs and lords of the countryside, were considered equals.
1811: Luddites attack whole factories, destroying labor saving machinery.
1819: Till the first factory Act pass, british government had little control over child labor.
1835: “From this filthy sewer pure gold flows”, frase written by Alexis de Tocqueville, after Manchester.
1842: A british study shows an average life of about 17 years for the working class and 38 years for rural areas.
1848: “Mary Barton”, book by Elizabeth Gaskell about rural life experience.
1850: Manchester population became 300,000.
1860: The Pemberton Mill of five floors, collapsed and killed about 145 workers.
1862: An observer writes about the river that was infected by foul impurities.