Industrial Revolution

  • The Spinning Jenny- James Hargreaves

    The Spinning Jenny- James Hargreaves
    This was a new type of spinning wheel that got tasks done more efficiently. These were used to weave.
  • Power Loom- Edmund Cartwright

    Power Loom- Edmund Cartwright
    This was the first machine that was able to turn yarn into fabric saving workers lots of time and hand labor.
  • Watt Steam Engine- James Watt

    Watt Steam Engine- James Watt
    A type of train that ran by grinding barley and pumping water. There were many different types of steam engines.
  • Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney

    Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney
    This machine removed the seeds of cotton faster than any previous invention. This allowed for faster labor and cloth production.
  • Locomotive- Richard Trevithick

    Locomotive-  Richard Trevithick
    This was a type of train that ran using combustion to heat water in the boiler.
  • Steamboat- Robert Fulton

    Steamboat- Robert Fulton
    These were boats that used steam power by burning coal which steamed the water. This steam then moved a paddle to then move the boat.
  • Camera- Joseph Nicephore Niepce

    Camera- Joseph Nicephore Niepce
    This was a large box with a lens attached to a tripod. There was a string to pull when you wanted to take your picture.
  • Sewing Machine-Barthelemy Thimonnier

    Sewing Machine-Barthelemy Thimonnier
    This was a rounded machine with a wheel attached on the end to spin when you wanted you needle and thread to move.
  • Telegraph- Samuel Morse

    Telegraph-  Samuel Morse
    This was an invention that used Morse code (dots and dashes) to communicate and send messages to others.
  • Dynamite- Alfred Nobel

    Dynamite- Alfred Nobel
    An explosive made of nitroglycerin, stabilizers, and sorbents. It was very alike to black power (another explosive).
  • Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell

    Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell
    The telephone used to be an elongated contraption with a microphone that you spoke into while the receiver let the recipient hear the receiver.
  • Automobile- Karl Benz

    Automobile- Karl Benz
    A large tricycle powered by an engine with one seat behind the steering wheel.