Industrial Revolution

  • May 2, 1440

    Printing press

    Printing press
    The printing press was invented in 1440 Johannes Gutenberg.
  • Clock

    The clock was a idea to use a swinging bob to regulate the motion of a time-telling. Christiaan Huygens was the inventor
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    The point of this machine is to separate the cotton from the seeds in the plant. It was invented by Eli Whitney
  • Steam boat

    Steam boat
    John Fitch the builder had made four steam boats, but they were expensive and hard to built, so they were unsuccessful. The first successful one to be built was in Clermont by Robert Fulton
  • Telegraph

    Telegraph was invented between 1830s and 1840s. Created by Samauel Morse
  • Plow

    The plow was invented by John Deere in 1837 when middle west was being settled. Soil in the east was different and would end up breaking the wood on the plow.
  • Safety Pin

    Safety Pin
    Created by Walter Hunt. Invented to hold things together
  • Dynamite

    Used to blow things up. Invented by Alfred Bernhard
  • Escalator

    The use of this is to let people up and down levels of floors without having to walk down. Was created by Jesse W. Reno, and Charles Seeberger
  • Calculator

    Electronic calculator was created in 1960s. It also was invented William Seward Burroughs.