Industrial Revolution

  • The steam engine is invented.

    The steam engine is invented.
    Thomas Newcomen invents the first steam engine. It is not very useful yet but the idea of using steam to make machines go will be important to the Industrial Revolution.
  • The spinning jenny is invented.

    The spinning jenny is invented.
    James Hargreaves a British carpenter and weaver invents the spinning jenny.
  • James Watt improves the steam engine.

    James Watt improves the steam engine.
    James Watt from Scotland designs a more efficient steam engine. One of the most important inventions of the Industrial Revolution, steam engines power the first trains, steamboats, and factories.
  • Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.

    Eli Whitney patents the cotton gin.
    Eli Whitney creates a machine that makes it much easier to separate cotton seeds from cotton fiber
  • Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.

    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph.
    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph, which allows messages to be sent quickly over a wire.
  • Elias Howe invents the sewing machine.

    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine.
    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine. Now clothes can be made in large factories.
  • The Bessemer Method for processing steel is invented.

    The Bessemer Method for processing steel is invented.
    Henry Bessemer invents a process for making steel out of iron.
  • Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.

    Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for diseases.
    Louis Pasteur believed that germs caused disease.
  • Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.

    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone.
    He may not have invented the telephone but Alexander Graham Bell was the first to get a patent for it.
  • Thomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp.

    Thomas Edison uses a light bulb to light a lamp.
    Not the first man to create a light bulb, Thomas Edison created a light bulb that lasted longer than other designs and showed it off by lighting a lamp.
  • The Brooklyn Bridge opens.

    The Brooklyn Bridge opens.
    After 13 years of construction the Brooklyn Bridge is finished in New York City.
  • Orville Wright makes the first powered airplane flight.

    Orville Wright makes the first powered airplane flight.
    Using an engine that they invented Orville and Wilbur Wright invent the first plane that is not powered by wind.
  • Henry Ford creates the Model T.

    Henry Ford creates the Model T.
    It is much cheaper than other cars because it is made on an assembly line, allowing many more people to buy cars.