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Industrial Revolution

  • Steam-powered Pump

    Steam-powered Pump
    Thomas Newcomen was an ironmonger. His customers wanted a way to stop flooding in their mines. So, he developed the previous pump invention by Thomas Savery in 1698. To avoid infringement from Savery's patent Newcomen began a partnership with him.
  • Bridgewater Canal Opening

    Bridgewater Canal Opening
    The Duke of Bridgewater had the canal built to transport coal from his mines in Worsley to the big market in Manchester. James Brindley was the engineer hired.
  • Invention of the Spinning Jenny

    Invention of the Spinning Jenny
    It is said that Stanhill weaver James Hargreaves was given the idea for the spinning jenny when his daughter (Jenny) accidentally knocked over the family spinning wheel and the spindle continued to revolve. Hargreaves hypothesised that a whole line of spindles could be worked off one wheel.
  • Bridgewater Canal Expansion

    Bridgewater Canal Expansion
    The Bridgewater canal was expanded in 1772
  • Grand Trunk Canal

    Grand Trunk Canal
    The Grand Trunk Canal was constructed to link the River Mersey to the River Trent. It consisted of more than 70 locks and five tunnels.
  • Thames-Severn Canal

    Thames-Severn Canal
    The Thames-Severn Canal is over 45.1km in length, branching into Cirencester.
  • Safety Lamps

    Safety Lamps
    Safety lamps were invented for miners by Sir Humphry Davy and George Stephenson.
  • Berkeley Ship Canal

    Berkeley Ship Canal
    The Berkeley Ship Canal was opened in 1827. It ran between Gloucester and Berkeley.
  • First Telegraph Message

    First Telegraph Message
    The first message by telegraph was sent in 1837 by Samuel Soemmering.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    The telephone was invented in 1876 by Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell.