Industrial Revolution

  • Spinning Machine

    Spinning Machine
    Invented by Samuel Slater.He was called the father of all factory systems. He and one other built America's first water-powered cotton spinning mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
  • Steam powered transportation

    Steam powered transportation
    Invented by John Stevens. He began innovations on the steamboat. Later he started to work on locomotives (railroads). Later he started to make boilers and engines for steam engines.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    Inventor Oliver Evans. He was the one that started the first continuous production line of a high pressure.
  • Steamboat

    Invented by John Fitch. This was the first one made it was 45 feet long and sailed down the Delaware River.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Invented by Eli Whitney. They would use this machine to pull out the seeds from the cotton fibers.
  • Steamboat

    Invented by Robert Fulton. The North River steamboat or North River was called the first vessel to demonstrate the viability of using the "steam propulsion for commercial water transportation.
  • Process for weaving straw with silk or thread

    Process for weaving straw with silk or thread
    Invented by Mary Dixon Kies. She was the first to begin weaving with straw with some silk and thread.
  • Cast-Iron Piano Frame

    Cast-Iron Piano Frame
    Invented by Alpheus Babcock. He worked with his brother and later had a different partner. They started to manufacture pianos in 1809
  • Clock

    Invented by Eli Terry. He began the mass production of clocks and made them affordable for the average citizen.
  • Pattern Lathe

    Pattern Lathe
    Invented by Thomas Blanchard.Was able to duplicate shapes identical to the standard pattern.
  • Screw Propeller

    Screw Propeller
    Invented by John Ericsson. They used his inventions to improve on ship designs. They would use two of the screw propellers on some ships. this would gain more speed the hotter it was.
  • Power Loom

    Power Loom
    Invented by Erastus Bigelow. Made a power loom that would be able to make carpet brussels. Made a mass production.