Abraham Darby
An english developer, known for developing a method of producing pig iron in blast furnace fulled by coke rather than charcoal. this was a huge step forward in the production process of iron -
John Roenbuck
English inventor/ industrialist , John subsidized the experiment of james watt and developed the first practical steam engine -
Alessandro Volta
Italian physicist/ chemist who was credited for making the first electric battery. he also discovered methane -
John Kay
An english inventor famous for inventing the flying shuttle. the flying shuttle help making weaving easier and was the first important step towards automatic weaving -
Adam Smith
scottish economist,philosopher, and author. Adam smith is know for promoting capitalism, he is also knows as "The father of Capitalism". he published the book The Wealth of Nations which was very popular and helped spread his ideas of capitalism -
Samuel Crompton
An english inventor best known for inventing the spinning mule. and invention tat let people weave cotton and other fabrics together very fast -
Jeremy Bentham
English social reformer, he was most famous for cuming up with the theory of utilitarianism(actions are right if they benefit the majority ) -
Nicolas Leblanc
a french chemist and surgeon best known for discovering a method on how to manufacture soda ash from common salt -
Robert Fulton
American engineer / inventor, he developed a steam boat also known as "North RIver Steamboat" -
George stephenson
An english civil engineer who is most famous for the invention of the railroad locomotive and the saftey lamp.His nickname is the father of railways. -
David ricardo
British political economist, he was know for his theories of wages and profit,labor theory of value, and his most famous theory of comparative advantage -
Robert Owen
Textile manufacture, philanthropic social reformer.Robert tried to help workers with their harsh living conditions and the harsh working conditions, he was a reformer of society and pushed for more of a socialist community