Industrial Revolution

By ayda
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was improved by James Watt In 1769. One of the improvements where speed. Speed helped move important materials place to place faster.
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    Steam Engine

    The steam engine was improved by James Watt In 1769. One of the improvements where speed. Speed helpd move important materials place to place faster.
  • Steam Ships.

     Steam Ships.
    The Steam Ship was invented by Jacques Perrier, in 1775.
    One of the reasons for the success of Industrial Revolution was Steam Ships. Steam Ships helped the people of England to travel in short amount of time.
  • Submarine

    David Bushnell invented the submarine in 1776. During the Industrial Revolution, submarines were known for being a weapon.
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    Another Steam ship

    during 1786, Another steamboat was invented by John Fitch.
  • Steam Locomotive

    Steam Locomotive
    Geroge Stephenson invented Steam Locomotive during the 1814s. Steam Locomotive was used to import goods and travel faster to your destination. By this, the trading during the Industrial Revolution it was easier for people to move around. Even though the for the rain to be able to move they burned coal which increased pollution, and global warming we know today.
  • Bicycle

    Early bicycles were improved during 1839. Bicycles during those days were very important for the workers. One of the benefits it has was people arriving at their destinations quicker without getting up early.
  • motorcycle

    in 1885, the first gas-engined motorcycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler. it used both the internal combustion engine, and bicyle to make the engine motorcycle
  • sleep in train

    sleep in train
    George Pullman invents the Pullman Sleeping traveling. Thsi invention helps a long travel on trains more bearable and comfortable for travellers.
  • internal combustion engine.

     internal combustion engine.
    the internal combustion engine was invented by Jean Lenoir. This was the first tep which leads to automobiles, motorcycles and many other motor-driven vehicles.
  • automobile

    Karl Benz uses the internal-combustion engine to power the first practical automobile. Most of the automobiles were bought by the first class people because they where the ones who could afford such an extravegant, and rare invention
  • four-wheeled motorcycle (car)

    four-wheeled motorcycle (car)
    Gottlieb Daimler invented a four-wheeled motorcycle, inspired by the steam engined motorcycle. These four-wheeled motorcycles were the improvement of motorcycles. It can carry more people, when travelling.
  • Zeppelin

    Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin invented The Zeppelin. air travelling became possible. This was the first air transportation during the Industrial Revolution that helped people to travel to a long distance destination in the air.