Revolucion industrial

Industrial Revolution

By Carla M
  • Period: to

    First Industrial Revolution

    The origins:
    -The agrarian revolution
    -The demographic revolution
  • Invention of the Steam Engine

  • Publication of "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith

  • Invention of the locomotive (George Stephenson)

  • Approval of the Enclosure Acts

  • Invention of the Bessemer converter (Henry Bessemer)

    inventor and engineer who developed the first process for manufacturing steel inexpensively
  • Invention of the telephone (Antonio Meucci)

    Meucci devised an electromagnetic telephone as a way of connecting his second-floor bedroom to his basement laboratory, and thus being able to communicate with his wife.
  • Invention of the combustion engine

    American George Brayton invented the first commercial liquid-fuelled internal combustion engine.
  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution

    New sources of energy
    New industries
    New production system
  • Presentation of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell

  • Invention of the light bulb (Thomes Alva Edison)

    Edison had built his first high resistance, incandescent electric light.
  • Presentation of the first automobile (Carl Fredrich Benz)

  • Wireless telegraph (Gughelmo Marconi)

  • Fight of the Wright Brothers

  • Beginning of production of the Ford Model T (Henry Ford)