Industrial Revolution

  • Agricultural Revolution / Increase in Population

    Agricultural Revolution / Increase in Population
    There is a sudden increase in food supply, and Britain is able to feed more people at a lower cost. Of course, this leads to a increase in population as well. Because there were suddenly a lot more people, many people moved to towns and increased the labor supply. It was at this time that landowners began fencing off their land, also known as the Enclosure Movement. It’s because of this that we have walls between out houses and fences for our farms.
  • Spinning Jenny Invented

    Spinning Jenny Invented
    James Haragreave invented the Spinning Jenny in 1764. Before it’s invention, people would spin cotton from home. Seeing as it spun wool much faster than anything else so far, people were okay with going to work to use it. Therefore ending the cotton industry.
  • Steam Engine Invented

    Steam Engine Invented
    When the steam engine came to life, it opened up thousands of possibilities. Facotories didn’t have to be near rivers anymore. It’s creation sparked ideas in a million peoples minds. It’s because of Thomas Savery, who invented the devine, that we have so many of toays creations.
  • Water-powered Loom Invented

    Water-powered Loom Invented
    The Water-powered loom was even faster than the Spinning Jenny. It required less people to work it too, which made good for the rich and not so great for the poor.
  • Creation of Factories

    Creation of Factories
    Thanks to the newly invented steam engine and powered-loom, factories begin to rise. Instead of work being done at home, it all come from one place, spreading throughout the world. While it was a great amount of progress, there was a lot to be sacrificed for it. The adult workers were fined if they were late. The children were often whipped to keep them at work
  • Train Engines Appear

    Train Engines Appear
    In 1804, Thomas Savery, an English Inventor, makes the first train engine. HIs invention increases transportation dramatically and lowers the price of goods. It leads to new markets throughout Europe. By 1850, the railroads are everywhere. They connect every country, city and town in Europe.
  • Steel Process Spreads

    Steel Process Spreads
    The steel process, also known as the Bessemer process, was spread throughout the United States. Invented by English bullet maker Henry Bessemer, and revolutionized by Andrew Carnegie, it changes the world forever
  • Germ Theory

    Germ Theory
    Nobody really talks about germ theory, regarding as another normal thing. While it is quite normal, the discovery of it truly changed the world in ways that we can’t truly comprehend, like vaccines.
  • Automobile Shakes the World

    Automobile Shakes the World
    Carl Benz has perhaps given us one of the inventions we depend on the most. The gas powered invention is something we see ever day of our lives. We travelel farther and farther because of it and it has truly changed the world
  • Wireless Telegraph

    Wireless Telegraph
    Invented in 1896 by Guglielmo Marconi, the wireless telegraph allowed people to communicate in real time. Before, it was all letters and weeks upon weeks before the news came. The telegraph paved the way for the telephone.