May 7, 1200
, earlier versions of the caravel were used for fishing. These early caravels were small in size and easy to maneuver, making it a perfect fishing boat. -
Jul 10, 1348
black death
the black death stared in 1348 from rat and other animals. the black death killed more then 1.5 million peolpe and was stop by the great fire of londan -
Dec 31, 1440
printing press
the printing press was one of the first things created to start the industrial revolotion which was created by johannes gutenbreg. it was invented so the things wouldn't have to be witten down. -
the potatoes came form south america and brought back to ireland by sir walter raleigh who planted then on 40,000 square meters of land but it took nearly 40 years till it spred around the rest of eurpoe -
the first public company
The Dutch East India Company undertook the world's first IPO and, therefore, became the first public company to issue stock. It also played a role in history's first market crash. -
blood trainsfusion
the first blood trainsfusion was in 1628 and is when you recive blood when you have lost lots from a surgery or your blood is taken and swaped with good blood -
englilsh cival war
the war stared in 1642 and stared when the people on england where in a war offer the leaders of englliand and the winners where the politions not thhe. -
execution of charles 1
king charles 1 troubles began the moment he ascended the throne in 1625 upon the death of his father James I. Charles simultaneously alienated both his subjects and his Parliament, prompting a series of events that ultimately lead to civil war, his own death and the end of the engligh monachy. -
great fire of londan
The Great Fire of London of September 1666 was one of the most famous incidents in Stuart England. It was the second tragedy to hit the city in the space of 12 months. -
steam engine
the first steam engine was made in 1698 and was inproved in 1712 by thomas newcomb but his steam engine still had faults like watsed heat and fuel. so a man named james watts inproved it in 1785 which was burned less heat and fuel -
spining jenny
spinning jenny was invented in 1764 by James Hargreaves in Stanhill, Oswaldtwistle, Lancashire in England. The device reduced the amount of work needed to produce yarn, with a worker able to work eight or more spools at once. -
for many centuries, smallpox devastated mankind. In modern times we do not have to worry about smallpox thanks to the work of Edward Jenner -
Mechanical Reaper
there was a lot of pressure on farmers because there was an increasing demand for wheat. Farmers had a hard time keeping up with this demand for wheat. Cyrus McCormick attempted to solve this problem with the use of a machine. He invented the first working reaper in 1831, -
the telegraph could send messages from one location to another over long distances. The receiver of a telegraph message would interpret the markings produced by the machine, which were in Morse code. -
the sowing machine
There are many versions of the sewing machine before the Industrial Revolution. However, the inventor Elias Howe improved previous models of the sewing machine. His sewing machine, the Lock-Stitch Sewing Machine, used two threads at a time instead of one. This greatly increased the speed at which cloth could be sewed.