First steam engine
Thomas Newcomen creates the first steam engine. The steam engine created electricity for people throught the industrial revolution. -
Spinning jenny
James Hargreaves invents the spinning jenny. Major role in harvesting cotton. -
First improved steam engine
James Watt creates the first reliable and greatly improved steam engine. It was then able to be used for transportation purposes. -
Cotton gin
Eli Whitney created the cotton gin which increased production of cotton. Cotton farms with slaves were greatly profitting from this. -
New muskets
Eli Whitney creates muskets with interchangeable parts. A bayonette could be added to increase mele range and bring terror to enemies. -
Robert Fulton Creates steamboat service which then gets commercial use. -
Samuel Morse invents the telegraph with morse code. This was useful for sending information short distances until they had wires all over the country. -
Sewing Machine
Elias Howe invents the sewing machine. At 250 stitches a minute he was as productive as 5 hand sewers. -
Bessemer Method
Henry Bessemer creates a more productive method for proccessing steel. It created a more pure and solid steel. -
Alfred Nobel creates dynamite, This was used to help build quarries and open mines wider. -
Alexander Gram Bell creates first telephone. The first words spoken were to his assistant saying "Mr Watson come here, I want to see you."