industrial revlution

  • (watt steam engine

    (watt steam engine
    invented by James watt it was simply a steam engine that generated electricity
  • the spinning jenny

    the spinning jenny
    it was a spinning frame used in textile manufacturing created by James Hargreves
  • power loom

    power loom
    invented by edmund cartwright it was used to weaving textiles together
  • steamboat

    invented by John Fitch a boat powered by steam
  • cotton jin

    cotton jin
    invented by Whiyney a device that picked cotton
  • locomotive

    invented by richard trevithick it was the first functional steam engine
  • camera

    invented by Nixwphore niepce paper was darkend with chloride
  • sewing machine

    sewing machine
    invented by Barthelemy THimonier used for mass production of military unifurms
  • telegraph

    invented by morse it was a way to “quickley send messesges
  • dynomite

    invented by Alfred it was blasting cap it by a fuse
  • telephone

    invented by alexander bell, it was a method of transmitting speech by telegraphy
  • automobile

    inventd by carl benz it was a three wheeled car