
Industrial activity

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    1785 British Edmund Cartwright Power Loom
    1787 Steamboat John Fitch American
    1788 Scottish James Watt Ball or Centrifugal Regulator
    1791 British John Barber gas turbine
    1793 Cotton gin
    1796 Joseph Bramah English Hydraulic Press
    1798 Wire cloth endless ribbon (paper making) Louis Robert French
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    1st Industrial Revolution

    The county that had a lot of fame in this 1st Industrial Revolution was Great Britain, they used to use these 2 energy sources. The industrial activity that was more used in that years was the textil industrial activity.
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    1801 French Joseph Marie Jacquard Pattern Loom
    1810 Food preservation
    (by sterilization and vacuum)
    Nicolas Appert French
    1810 Frederick Koenig German Printing Press
    1819 Stethoscope René Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec French
    1820 Hygrometer J.F. Daniell English
    1820 Johann Salomon Galvanometer Cristoph Schweigger German
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    1821 British Michael Faraday Electric Motor
    1824 Portland cement Joseph Aspdin British
    1827 Matches or friction matches John Walker British
    1829 Typewriter W.A. Burt American
    1829 Louis Braille French Braille System
    1829 Sewing machine
    1838 Morse Code
    1839 Photograph L. J. M. Daguerre and J. N. Niepce
    William Henry Fox Talbot
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    1849 Armaso concrete F.J. Monier French
    1850 British John Mercer Mercerized Cotton
    1853 Elevator (with brake) Elisha Graves Otis American
    1855 Bunsen gas burner Robert Wilhelm Bunsen German
    1858 Combine Harvester Charles and William Marsh Americans
    1866 Paper (from wood pulp, sulphation process) Benjamin Chew Tilghman American
    1868 Typewriter Carlos Glidden and Christopher Latham Sholes Americans
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    The first “modern” oil well was drilled in 1859 by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania, in the United States. Drake bore a hole in the Oil Creek valley for Seneca Oil, and after months of effort the oil spilled spontaneously from a 21-meter deep well.
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    Second Industrial Revolution

    The Second Industrial Revolution happened around 1870. The capitalist system was already estabilished and industrial production diversified (chemical, electrical, automotive). As well as Great Britain, other countries (France, Japan, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy) adopted the new methods of production.
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    Alexander Graham Bell is credited with the invention of the telephone in 1876. It was a device that transmitted sounds through a cable through electrical signals. It has been one of the most important inventions because it revolutionized the world of telecommunications.
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    The "official" inventor of electric light is the American Thomas Alva Edison, who on October 22, 1879, succeeded in his attempt to illuminate an incandescent light bulb with electricity. However, as we will see, to say that Edison was the inventor of light is to simplify a bit, because his discovery was based on the work of other predecessors.
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    In 1885, Karl Benz developed the first internal combustion car that was shaped like a tricycle. It was equipped with a small horizontal single cylinder four-stroke engine and featured a carburetor and water cooling.
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    The Wright brothers in America invented the first airplane. The idea arose in 1899 on December 17, 1903 they flew for the first time They built the glider with a 12 horsepower oil engine and two propellers. It had two main wings positioned one above the other. Both helped provide thrust to the glider.
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    Third industrial revolution

    The third industrial revolution is the modern industry in that the robots and information technology are essential. The information or knowledge are now more important than the manufacturing process. The revolution started by United States of America, European Uninon an Japan.
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    The vidrio fibra was created by Russel Games
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    Optic fibre was created by Narinder singh kapany