Period: to
Edwin Drake successfully uses steam engine to drill for oil
Edwin Drake successfully used a steam engine to drill for oil near Titusville Pennsylvania -
National Labor Union formed
The first large scale national union of laborers was formed by an iron worker by the name of William H. Sylvis in 1866. By 1868 the unions membership exponentially grew to 640,000 members. -
Transcontinental Railroad is officialy completed
The central pacific and union pacific railroads met at Promontory, Utah, thus creating the transcontinental railroad. -
Thomas Edison establishes first research lab
Thomas Edison Established the first research lab world wide in Menlo park, New Jersey. There he perfected the incandescent light bulb, as well as invented a system for producing and distributing electrical power. -
The great strike of 1877 begins
Workers from the Baltimore and Ohio railroad we on strike in order to protest their second wage cut in two months. most freight and passenger traffic was halted for more than a week. -
Sherman antitrust act
John Sherman, an Ohio republican had the Sherman antitrust act passed by the house. This act was designed to “prevent the artificial raising of prices by restriction of trade or supply.” -
Oil struck
Patillo Higgins insisted there was oil at spindletop lake, but only had one believer. Anthony F. Lucas invested in Higgins and the drilling began. on January 10, 1901 Patillo struck oil and oil began erupting from the underground well.