William Murdoch - Date of Death
William Murdoch died at the age of 85 -
James Hargreaves First Invention
1764, The year of James Hargreaves first invention -
James Watt First Invention
1776, The year of James Watt first finvention -
James Heargraves - Year of Death
James Heargraves died at the age of 57 -
William Murdoch's First Invention
1782, the year of William Murdoch's first invention -
George Stephenson's First Invention
1814, The Year of James Hargraves first invention -
James Watt - Date of Death
James Watt died at the age of 83 -
Michael Fanaday's First Invention
1831, The year of Michael Fanaday's first invention -
George Stephenson - Date of Death
George Stephenson died at the age of 67 -
Michael Fanaday - Date of Death
Michael Fanaday died at the age of 76 -
Karl Benz's First Invention
1872, The year of Karl Benz's First Invention. In this year he invented the first engine powered car. Many years on, he then became the founder of one of the biggest car indestries which was Mercedes Benz. -
Alaxander Graham Bell's Fiest Invention
1874, the year of Alaxander Graham Bell's first invention -
The Wright Brothers First Invention
1903, the year of the wright brothers first invention -
The Wright Brothers - Date of Death
The Wirght Brothers died at different times however one of the Wright Brothers died at the age of 43 and the other 77 -
Henry Ford's First Invention
1917, the year of Henry Ford's first invention -
Alexander Graham Bell - Date of Death
Alexander Graham Bell lived to the age of 75 -
Karl Benz - Date of Death
Karl Benz died at the age of 84. He lived a long and very successful life -
Henry Ford - Date of Death
Henry Ford died at the age of 83