Indonesian Independency, Cuban Missle Crissis, Bay of Pigs, Indian Independency

  • India

    During the time period India was being ruled over by England. People were getting fed up with the way that England was ruling over them but they needed someone to help kickstart their fight for independence. Then the leader of Gandhi came along and helped lead the Indian people in a movement for their independence. And in 1941 the Indian people got their independence from English rule.
  • Indonesian Independency

    Indonesian Independency
    Separating from Chinese Communism, become independent with the help of the U.S. warning Indonesia of the U.S.S.R. and forming an alliance with the Netherlands avoiding all "Neo-colonialist" countries later described as governments that tend to imperialize land to it's liking. The Netherlands helped Indonesia with medical aid.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    The Cuban heard that the CIA's bombing planes were camouflaged to look like passenger planes to attack their aircrafts before the invasion. So, the Cubans moved their planes away before the bombardment. A few days before the Bay of Pigs, the CIA forgot about one radio station on the beach that had broadcasted every detail of the operation across Cuba.
  • Cuban Missle Crissis

    Cuban Missle Crissis
    The Cuban missile crisis was a very significant time during the Cold War era. This was the height of tension between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. This was also the closest the world ever came to nuclear warfare. The tension was heightened because the United States had nuclear weapons in Turkey. Because of this the Soviet Union felt threatened and in response they put nuclear weapons in Cuba. These missiles were capable of hitting major U.S. cities!