Council for Aboriginal reconciliation
It was established by the commonwealth parliament which was established as a statutory body under the council for aboriginal reconciliation act in 1991 -
Redfern Park Address
Prime Minister the Honorable Paul J Keating made a landmark speech which influenced the relationship between the Australian state and the original Indigenous people and their descendants. -
the brining the home report
An inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal children from their families during the stolen generation.Attorney General establishes inquiry into the separation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families -
The sea of hands
a prominent Australian symbol of indigenous rights to land, the ongoing process of reconciliation and the desire for mutual understanding and respect between indigenous and non-indigenous communities. -
Sydney harbour bridge walk
On May 28, 2000 more than 300,000 people walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in support of Indigenous Australians and reconciliation -
Apology to the Stolen Generation
When Kevin Rudd at the time was
PM, , apologized to the aboriginals of Australia about the wrong that happened to them