Indian Ocean

  • Period: 550 BCE to 330 BCE

    Achaemenid Empire in Persia

    one of the Regions that utilized the trade route during the classical period.
  • Period: 202 BCE to 220

    Han Dynasty in China

    in china the most common export was silk and pepper
  • Period: 33 BCE to 476

    Roman empire

    the roman empire spread their ideas of religion and utilized this trade route to spread their religious ideology
  • 1 CE


    the spread of Christianity was a common practice during this time period and continues to this day.
  • Period: 324 to 185

    Mauryan Empire in India

    the Mauryan Empire in India utilized this trade route and brought good to trade such as fine silk clothing and dyes.
  • Networks

    during this time period a network of trade was created. people in route of the Indian Ocean. goods would be able come from further distances and become available faster.