Indian History

By Emimomo
  • Period: 1526 to

    Mughal Control

    300 years of Mughal control (Muslim Religion).
    - Economy mainly based on agriculture and trade
    - Single currency throughout the Mughal Empire
  • British Interest: East India Company

    In the beginning of the 17th century, the British Empire showed interest in India and the East India Company was founded.
    Queen´s Elizabeth I Intentions with the company was to facilitate trade between the British and Asia.
    Traders took control of swaths in India
  • East India Company reaches territorial peak

    The East India Company had control of most of India
  • Indian Mutiny: Raj foundation

    In this year, the Indian Mutiny, a movement from Indian Soldiers employed by the British Army demanded equal rights and condemned racial injustice. This behaviour quickly spread among civilians. As a response from the Brotish government, the so called British Rule or Raj started.
  • Indian National Congress

    The Indian National Congress was created and developed to one of the biggest political parties in the world. This initiative was a sign of a response against British Rule over the territory
  • Quit India Movement

    Indian National Congress adopted Mahatma Ghandi´s ideology of non-violent civil resistance. The movement was not only supported by the party but by Ghandi himself.
  • Indian independence

    The independence of the territory was finally achieved through the Indian Independece Act. As a consequence, the Indian Empire was dissolved as a response to the strong resistance movement. Nevertheless, the Land was divided into the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India as a measure of the British to control religious tensions (Hinduism - Islam). The new independent Land became the Republic of India and a parlamentary democracy as stated in its constitution
  • India in the 21st Century

    In the current century, India faces various problems like overpopulation, environmental pollution, human trafficking, poverty and the lack of women´s rights.
    Nevertheless, the country plays a major role in the world as a leader in technology sector and IT, but remaining as a Third World Country
  • Bangalore renamed to Bengaluru

  • Bengaluru population peak

    Data says that the population of the city reached 12.9 million.