Period: 1810 BCE to 1810 BCE
Independence of Mexico
Armed uprising in Dolores -
Period: to 1 BCE
Hidalgo, Allende, Aldama, Jimenez and Abasolo are be trayed by Elizondo
Period: to 1 BCE
Morelos receives the title of captain -
Period: to 1 BCE
Morelos was taken prisoner in Temalaca .
Period: to
Morelos is shot in San Cristobal Ecatepec.
Period: to
Xavier Mina and Fray Servando Teresa de Mier set sail from Liverpool to America
Period: to 1978 BCE
Mina and 300 soldiers take over of 700 hourse in the estate the Cojo
Period: to
Agustín de Iturbide sale de la ciudad de México para combatir a Guerrero - See more at: http://www.curiosidadesdelmundo.info/2010/08/fechas-clave-de-la-independencia-de.html#sthash.NQkjZ22o.dpuf
Period: to
Iturbide and Guerrero are interviewed in Acatempan
Period: to
Army Trigarante entrance to Mexico City . the independence of Mexico is consumed