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Independence of Colombia and United States

  • United States

    The Seven Years War between Britain and France ends. Great Britain had received great military and economic aid from the colonies
  • United States

    Boston Tea Riot occurs
  • United States

    The Settlers' Congress meets the first time against servitude to London in favor of an independent homeland
  • United States

    Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, begins to assume the functions of national government, appointing fourteen generals and authorizing the invasion of Canada
  • United States

    England troops leave Boston to prevent settler rebellion
  • United States

    the armies are at Bunker Hill
  • United States

    British General William Howe surrenders and evacuates Boston.
  • United States

    Congress resolves that the United Colonies must be free and sovereign states
  • United States

    the Declaration of Independence of the United States is approved, written by Thomas Jefferson
  • United States

    the british army surrenders at Saratoga
  • United States

    France enters the war supporting the settlers
  • United States

    Spain enters the war collaborating with the colonists
  • United States

    York site. British troops under General Charles Cornwallis are surrounded in Virginia
  • United States

    Spain recovers Menorca to England
  • United States

    The Treaty of Paris or Treaty of Versailles is signed between Great Britain and the United States, ending the War of Independence of the United States.
  • United States

    The United States Constitution is signed
  • Colombia

    Invasion of Spain by France
  • Colombia

    Cry of Independence in Bogotá
  • Colombia

    The State of Cundinamarca is formed
  • Colombia

    Battle of the Lower Palacé, the royalists are defeated
  • Colombia

    Antonio Nariño becomes President of Cundinamarca
  • Colombia

    Independence of Cartagena de Indias
  • Colombia

    Start of fighting between Centralists and Federalists
  • Colombia

    Cartagena Manifesto of Simón Bolívar
  • Colombia

    Centralist Triumph in favor of Antonio Nariño in the Battle of Bogotá
  • Colombia

    04/07/1813 - Barranquilla Day
  • Colombia

    Federalists defeat the government of Nariño de Santa Fe
  • Colombia

    The army of General Pablo Morillo begins the siege of Cartagena de Indias
  • Colombia

    The fort of Cartagena de Indias falls, beginning the Reconquest of New Granada
  • Colombia

    Simón Bolívar proclaims the Republic of Colombia in the Angostura Congress
  • Colombia

    First Constitution
  • Colombia

    Battle of the Vargas Reservoir, a key victory for the independentistas
  • Colombia

    Battle of Boyacá, which causes the definitive fall of the Viceroyalty of New Granada
  • Colombia

    Simón Bolívar's troops enter Bogotá
  • Colombia

    The Republic of Colombia is proclaimed
  • Colombia

    The independence and annexation of the territory
  • Colombia

    Black Christmas in Pasture by Simón Bolívar's troops
  • Colombia

    First ordinary congress of Gran Colombia
  • Colombia

    Battle of Barbecues, last fight against the Spanish in Colombia