Period: 1810 BCE to
6 agust 1810
monpox declares the absolute of both cartagena and spain -
Period: to
Royal Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada
The Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada is an inventory of the nature of the Viceroyalty of New Granada made by José Celestino Mutis during the reign of Carlos III. -
Period: to
Community rebellion
The rebellion of the comuneros, also called insurrection or uprising of the comuneros, was an armed movement that took place in the Viceroyalty of New Granada in March 1781, -
Period: to
Community rebellion
The rebellion of the comuneros, also called insurrection or uprising of the comuneros, was an armed movement that took place in the Viceroyalty of New Granada in March 1781 -
Period: to
Royal Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada
The Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada is an inventory of the nature of the Viceroyalty of New Granada made by José Celestino Mutis during the reign of Carlos III. -
Period: to
First Autonomous Government Board of Quito
The First Autonomous Government Junta of Quito was an executive government that was created in the territory of the Province of Quito as a result of the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, and which started the revolutionary process that would last until 1812. -
Period: to
July 20, 1810 cry for the independence of Colombia
it was the beginning of the events that changed the history of Colombia. History tells us that it all started with a vase. ... An act, apparently ephemeral, unleashed a confrontation between Creoles and Spaniards and culminated in the independence of Colombia. -
Period: to
1811 in Colombia
In March 1811 what could be called the first National Constituent Assembly and Congress was formed at the same time in Santafé de Bogotá, under the name "Constitutional Electoral College of the State of Cundinamarca" which with great effort, due to discord between centralists and federalists, promulgated April 4, 1811 -
Period: to
June 2, 1816
Simón Bolívar decrees the abolition of slavery.